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Earth Day

发布日期 : 2023-02-14浏览次数 : 来源 :

Earth Day

 Earth Day is a holiday to celebrate our world. It started in the United States. In the 1960s, Senator Gaylord Nelson cared about keeping the earth healthy. He wanted the government to protect the earth. So Nelson started Earth Day. He wanted to teach people how to care for our world. He wanted the government to see that people cared about the earth.

 The first official Earth Day was on April 22, 1970. More than 20 million Americans celebrated. Now, people in 192 countries celebrate Earth Day each year! On Earth Day, we learn how to protect our world. We learn how to keep it clean. We try to reduce pollution. We try to conserve energy1.

 How can you celebrate Earth Day? Clean up the litter at a park. Ride your bike or walk. Cars and buses make lots of air pollution! Plant a new tree. Separate your recycling from the trash. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. There are a lot of ways to celebrate our world. But most of all, remember to do these things every day. Consider every day to be Earth Day!


1. 意为:节能