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Your five senses

发布日期 : 2023-03-01浏览次数 : 来源 :

Your five senses

 People have five senses. They are sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. We use these senses to experience the world. 

 We use our eyes for sight. We rely on sight to know where we are. We rely on sight to know who is near. We rely on sight to know what food is on our plates. We use our sense of sight a lot! With an adult’s help, try blindfolding yourself. Can you move through your bedroom without bumping into things? Can you know who is talking to you? Can you know what food you are eating?

 The answers to those questions are probably yes! This is because we rarely use just one sense at a time. We use our senses together to gather information. Your sense of touch can help you move through your room. Your hands feel what furniture might be in your way. Your sense of hearing can help you know who is talking. Your ears hear their voices. Your senses of smell and taste help you know what food you are eating. Your nose smells the food. And your tongue tastes it. It is hard to say which sense we use the most!