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Jump at every chance

发布日期 : 2023-03-01浏览次数 : 来源 :

Jump at every chance

 One day two men went fishing together. After about half an hour, the first man caught a big fish. He was very happy. Soon the second man also caught a big fish. But he threw it back into the lake. Later, he caught three other big fish, but he threw all of them back into the lake. The first man asked him, “Why did you throw them away? They are so big!”

 The second man said, “I know they are big, but I don’t have a big pan1 to cook the big fish! I’m looking for a smaller one.”

 The first man was surprised at the answer. He said, “You can cut the big fish into smaller pieces to cook in your small pan.”

 Many of us are just like the second man.

 We miss a lot of chances because we are too stubbornly2 looking for what we want. We should jump at every chance we get and work it out so that it becomes what we want.


1. pan n. 平底锅 2. stubbornly adv. 固执地