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发布日期 : 2023-03-15浏览次数 : 来源 :

 My favorite book is Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster.
 It tells about Jerusha Abbott, a girl who grows up in an orphanage(孤儿院). When Abbott is 17, one of her essays is seen by a trustee(托管人) of the orphanage. He sees she has a gift for writing and wants to pay for her to go to college.
 However, Abbott knows very little about this kind person. She once sees his shadow(影子) from behind and knows he is tall, with long legs. She then jokingly called him Daddy-Long-Legs, which is also a kind of spider.

 Abbott is very positive(乐观的) and cheerful. She has unique ideas about everything. She is good at finding joy amid difficulties and setbacks(挫折). Born into darkness, she strives(努力) to grow toward the sun, like a sunflower.