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It’s good to be bored

发布日期 : 2023-05-15浏览次数 : 来源 :

It’s good to be bored

 When you have nothing to do, you may feel bored. Everybody feels bored sometimes. You may not like the feeling, but there is good news—boredom can be good for you.

 Sandi Mann is a psychologist from the UK. She says boredom may not be a bad thing. It can make us creative. That’s because when we have nothing to do, we can think freely. We may think of some good ways to solve problems1.

 So, next time when you feel bored, do not watch TV or play on your phone. Just sit and think. You may come up with2 some great ideas.


1. 意为:解决问题 2. 意为:想出;提出