
Chang An

发布日期 : 2023-12-05浏览次数 : 来源 :

 The highly anticipated animated movie Chang An (《长安三万里》)brings back to life some of the most iconic(标志性的) poets from the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

 On the Chinese film and review website Douban, Chang An garnered(获得) an 8.2 out of 10 rating, unusually high for a Chinese animated movie(动画电影).

 Chang An chronicles(记载) the decades-long friendship of Li Bai, the country’s most beloved poet, and Gao Shi, his close friend and a renowned(闻名的) poet in his own right, amid the dynasty’s transition from peak prosperity to the turmoil(混乱) caused by the rebellion(叛乱) led by An Lushan, once one of Emperor Xuanzong’s most favored generals(将军).

 To bring the whole movie to its climax(高潮), the major creators introduce Li Bai’s masterpiece of romanticism(浪漫精神) Bring in the Wine with an elegant(优雅的) and meditative(沉思的) reading.