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【文中求进】 Introducing your family

发布日期 : 2024-09-11浏览次数 : 来源 :

                                                                                   Introducing your family


  家会很小很小,壳是蜗牛的家。家会很大很大,宇宙是星星的家。某少儿杂志开辟栏目Family Page,请大家投稿,介绍自己的家庭。

  要求:1. 语言通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;

  2. 50词左右。


  Part 1:简单自我介绍,包含姓名、年龄等,同时表明将要介绍自己的家庭成员,引起下文;

  Part 2: 按照长幼顺序依次介绍家庭成员,可适当发挥;

  Part 3: 总结全文,表明自己有一个幸福的家庭。

  小贴士:1. 人称:第一人称、第三人称;

  2. 时态:一般现在时。



     Hi, boys and girls. My name is Jim. I am 14 years old. Four people are in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is 42 years old, and he likes apples and salad. His favourite movie is action movies, because they are funny. My mother is 40 years old. She likes oranges. Her favourite movie is comedies. She thinks they are interesting. And my sister is 12 years old. She likes chicken and singing. I love my family, because I’m very happy to live with my family together!