根据所学内容,以“What to do in an earthquake?”为题,写一写发生地震时,我们在学校校内和校外应该怎么做。
参考词汇:happen v. 发生 suddenly adv. 突然 suggestion n. 建议
1. Don’t jump out of...
2. Stay away from...
3. Go out and meet...
4. Don’t stand...
5. You can stay there.
6. If you follow these, you can stay safe in an earthquake.

What to do in an earthquake?
Earthquakes usually happen suddenly, so it’s important to know what to do in an earthquake.
Inside the school
Don’t jump out of high classroom buildings. Hide under the desk. Stay away from windows and televisions on the wall, because they may fall down. Leave the classroom building quickly when the ground stops shaking. Go out and meet on the playground, but don’t use the lift.
Outside the school
Don’t stand near street lights or under power lines. Stay away from buildings and tall trees, because parts of them may fall on you. Go to the square or the park near the school. You can stay there.
These are very helpful suggestions. If you follow these, you can stay safe in an earthquake.