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Annual Dog Show in New York

发布日期 : 2016-05-04浏览次数 : 来源 :

 Although there are lots of dog parades1 across the country, very few are as famous as the one held at New York City’s Tompkins Square Park2. Now in its 24th year, the annual dog show is one of the most interesting dog competitions in the world. The dogs’ owners make a lot of efforts to dress their best friends in beautiful clothes.
 In this year’s show, hundreds of dogs dressed in their clothes tried to take the “Best in Show” title3. For every dog owner, winning the blue ribbon4 is their goal.
 At last, Baxter, Giupetto and Giana and their “crew members5” Diana Lucci and Linn Consovoy became the winners.
 Notes: 1.游行2.汤普金斯广场公园3.称号4.绶带;勋带5.船员