小女孩玛丽娜特别怕黑,晚上一关灯,她就觉得屋里有很多怪物。有一天,她的阿姨来访,告诉了她一个战胜恐惧的秘诀。 Marina was really afraid of t...
I was considered the worst student in my class. My family thought I would never go to...
When you are down and out And you want shout, Find a place to run away...
The moon on one hand, The dawn on the other. The moon is my sister, The dawn is my...
Each day is too short for— All the thoughts we want to take, All the books we wan...
种类繁多、身躯庞大的恐龙曾经是地球的“霸主”。关于它们灭绝的原因,至今仍众说纷纭。 Dinosaurs were the biggest land animals th...
想去游却没有机会?就让你的泰迪熊代劳吧!日本一家旅游公司组织了一次特别的假日之旅,带上你心爱的泰迪熊到日本、欧洲和美国去冒险,而且还会拍照留念哦! A Japane...
美国纽约举办了第24届年度汤普金斯小狗盛装游行活动。在这次活动中,汪星人各种奇葩造型让人大饱眼福。 Although there are lots of dog par...
Father: Tommy! Do you know where the church key is? Tommy: It’s in this drawer. Here...