同学们是否有考驾照的想法呢?那么在英国多大才能考驾照呢? 另外还有什么要求呢? In Britain you’re allowed to drive a car whe...
很多时候,我们离成功只有一步之遥,却因提早放弃最终与它失之交臂。所以,不要被眼前的困难吓倒。只要坚定自己的信念,就一定会获得成功。 There were two fro...
I love to wake to each new day And brush my dreams of night away And look out throu...
There’s a little groundhog Who lives in the ground. A little groundhog Who likes t...
Some blue whales living in the Pacific Ocean used to travel north toward Alaska eve...
尊重别人,才会赢得别人的尊重,从而获得别人的帮助。 Two princes play in the forest1. They meet a dwarf. The dw...
很多人都不满足于自己生活中所拥有的,总想去追求自己不曾拥有的。最后却发现,其实原来自己拥有的才是最珍贵的。 A big fish lives in a small po...
Alma is an eight-year-old British girl. Children at her age usually find it hard to s...
凭借优秀的演技和不断地努力,韩国演员李钟硕受到许多人的喜爱,他已经成为亚洲最受欢迎的男明星之一。 The TV play Pinocchio is popular wi...