想去游却没有机会?就让你的泰迪熊代劳吧!日本一家旅游公司组织了一次特别的假日之旅,带上你心爱的泰迪熊到日本、欧洲和美国去冒险,而且还会拍照留念哦! A Japane...
美国纽约举办了第24届年度汤普金斯小狗盛装游行活动。在这次活动中,汪星人各种奇葩造型让人大饱眼福。 Although there are lots of dog par...
Father: Tommy! Do you know where the church key is? Tommy: It’s in this drawer. Here...
同学们是否有考驾照的想法呢?那么在英国多大才能考驾照呢? 另外还有什么要求呢? In Britain you’re allowed to drive a car whe...
很多时候,我们离成功只有一步之遥,却因提早放弃最终与它失之交臂。所以,不要被眼前的困难吓倒。只要坚定自己的信念,就一定会获得成功。 There were two fro...
Each day is too short;The early morning...
Tom: I really don’t know what to do. Ann: Sleep on it. Maybe you will have a good id...
Puerto Galera is a small town on the northeast coast of the island of Mindoro in the ...