

发布日期 : 2024-09-11浏览次数 : 来源 :

   Many space movies in the past have been about astronauts. But now, with space travel becoming more real, space movies are starting to focus(关注) more on common people.
 Distant is set to focus on a guy named Andy Ramirez. He’s a worker on a spaceship(宇宙飞船). The spaceship gets hit by a space rock. When he lands on an alien planet(外星球), Ramirez has a problem: His oxygen(氧气)is running low, and his AI-powered suit(宇航服) doesn’t work.
 Feeling hopeless, Ramirez tries to ask for help from another survivor(幸存者). He talks to Naomi from the same ship, but finds out she is trapped(受困的). Now, he has to make his air last long enough until he can reach her. Unluckily, strange alien creatures(生物) are trying to catch him. It’s a real adventure(冒险) in space!