It was 1997. Shi Guang, a third-grade student, found an old Go board(棋盘) in his grand...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is a 2001 fantasy film based on J. K. Rowling’s...
Snow Leopards and Friends Snow Leopards(雪豹) and Friends is known as the first Chi...
Eleven years ago, the animated film Puss in Boots let us meet the fearless(无畏的) and p...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(《查理和巧克力工厂》)is a fun story....
Murder Most Unladylike(《最不淑女的谋杀案》) is written by popular US author Robin Stevens....
Twenty-five years ago, NBA legend Michael Jordan teamed up with the Looney Tunes to w...
In the contention(争议) of the Best Picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Forre...
LoveLive! Superstar!! is an animated series(系列) about a group of girls....
From paper-cutting to puppet stop-motion, from sketching(素描) to Chinese ink wash pain...