渔歌子 Tune: A Fisherman’s Song 作者:张志和 翻译:许渊冲 ...
Zhou Enlai in His Childhood For many Chinese people, Zhou Enlai is their hero. Ho...
What makes a great summer? Going to the beach and eating ice cream? In the new Pixar ...
I Am Nobody(《异人之下》), a TV drama, answered “Yes”, with a high score of 8.1 out of 10 o...
关雎 Cooing and Wooing 翻译:许渊冲...
In CODA, Emilia Jones plays the hearing daughter of deaf parents. Jones spent eight m...
别丢掉 Don’t Cast Away 作者:林徽因 翻译:许渊冲...
Madame Web(《蜘蛛女:超感觉醒》)!In the latest “Spider-Man” movie made by Sony, the story is ab...
感叹句是表达说话者强烈情感(喜、怒、哀、乐、惊恐等)的句子,一般读降调。感叹句用what和how引导,其中what用来修饰名词,how 用来修饰形容词和副词。其具体用法如...