乐游原On the Plain of Tombs...
望岳 Gazing on Mount Tai...
渔歌子 Tune: A Fisherman’s Song 作者:张志和 翻译:许渊冲 ...
关雎 Cooing and Wooing 翻译:许渊冲...
别丢掉 Don’t Cast Away 作者:林徽因 翻译:许渊冲...
灞上秋居 Autumn in the Countryside 作者:马 戴 翻译:许渊冲...
宫中词 Within the Palace...
宿建德江 Mooring on the River at Jiande...
黄四娘家花满蹊, Along the Yellow Path flowers are overgrown, 千朵万朵压枝低。...