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Why can we see the moon during the day?

发布日期 : 2023-07-04浏览次数 : 来源 :

Why can we see the moon during the day?

 The moon and the sun don’t actually take turns in the sky. The earth orbits1 around the sun, and the moon orbits around the earth. All three are spinning2 in space all the time. Much of the time, the sunlight is so bright, we can’t see the moon during the day.

 How bright the moon is depends on where it is in the sky. If the moon is between the earth and the sun, it doesn’t bounce any sunlight to us at all, and it is very hard to see, even at night. This is called a new moon. When the moon is behind the earth, it shines very brightly. We call this a full moon. The moon gets different amounts of sunlight as it orbits around the earth. That changes how it looks to us. Sometimes, when the moon is very bright, we can see it even during the daytime.


1. orbit v. 环绕……运行 2. spin v. 快速旋转