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Between two cultures

发布日期 : 2023-12-05浏览次数 : 来源 :

   Inspired(启发) by Journey to the West, a Chinese-American teen boy builds a close relationship with the Monkey King. This is the story told in American Born Chinese(《西游 ABC》), a new show airing(播出) on Disney Plus. This action comedy is based on the graphic novel(漫画小说) of the same name. It shows teenager Jin Wang dealing with high school life in the US and pressures at home.
 The series(剧集) is the latest in a growing list of films and shows looking at the Chinese-American experience in recent years. The trend(潮流) seemed to really kick off with the 2018 hit movie Crazy Rich Asians. The movie is often described as “The first Asian-American film in 25 years”, according to the LA Times. It earned more than $230 million (about 17 billion yuan) at the global(全球的) box office.
 We’ve since seen more works looking into the Asian expatriate(旅居海外的) experience in the West with both its good sides and difficulties. Most of them also look at the relationships between families. For example, in Everything Everywhere All at Once, a traditional Chinese mother battles(较量) with her Americanized daughter after starting a life in the US. Films like this discuss the differences and connections(联系) between East and West.  

 But why are there so many films looking at the Chinese-American experience in recent years? Perhaps it’s something to do with how both countries are superpowers with successful cultures. They show that, even with different backgrounds and ideas, when these two worlds listen to each other, they cannot only get along but create something special.